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FAQ - CRM Features

Setting followup dates
When you add a new member or via the member list management area, you can add notes and a followup date to each member. In the members list, you can use the Order dropdown, to filter for followup dates only.

Customer Notes
Customer notes can be added when new members are added, via the bulk actions form on members list, or via the member details popup window. A full history of all notes is kept. Use followup dates for best effect

CRM Customer Tagging
Use member status and member groups to give your members tags, that can later be used for searching, targeting newsletters or password protecting pages for select user groups. Each member can also be assigned a price group.

Customer Relationship Management
You can manage customers on an individual basis, via the member popup window, or in groups, using bulk status updates.

How to I know if a password reminder has been sent?
If you have things sent to automatically send password emails, you can check that this has happened by viewing the members record and checking the HISTORY tab.

Member files will always download on an iPad rather than open in the browser
Where files stored on the public site will open in a new tab, private/secure files will always download, but there is a quick way to open.

Emailing Customers via the Members Area
You can email a member via the Members area and create preset canned responses to quickly apply to an email, as well as set an email signature.

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