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FAQ - Accounts

Change of Business Owner
If you are changing business owner, please consider the following information

Changing your Company Name, Login Email or contact information
You can update your account information for the account which relates to billing of services

Add an Accounts CC for billing statements
You can add a second email address to send statements to.

Understanding our monthly statements and billing
Hosting is a regular fee you pay to keep your website online. Please learn about how we bill you and how we account for your fees and receipts.

Account Types, Status and Related Services
Do you need to keep your account live if you only want email, have email hosted elsewhere, or URL redirections?

Please Cancel My Direct Debit
Please cancel my direct debit. Why is there are automatic payment receipt come out of my bank? Why did you take money out of my account when i had already cancelled hosting? Cancelling credit card direct debits?

2FA (Two Factor Authentication)

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